LiBri – Fiera Internazionale del Libro

LiBri – Fiera Internazionale del Libro

From 28 to 30 April 2023
SAN GIACOMO BASTION (Via Nazario Sauro, 6)
Free entry

LiBri – The International Book Fair in Brindisi officially opens to the audience and the media, in the Bastione San Giacomo kermesse and in the institutional presence of Dr. Antonella Grassi, Head of management and enhancement of the Cultural Heritage of the Municipality of Brindisi, Dr. Maria D’Aprile, Head of the Liaison and Protocol Unit of the UN Base in Brindisi, Dr. Rino Spedicato, president of the CSV of Lecce and Brindisi, by the organization chaired by the Artistic/Organizational Director Silvana Carolla, supported by Angela Howell, President of the WWTS Association (World Women Talent System of Brindisi) and International Coordinator of the Fair, by Simone Taormina, Head of the Angolo Fumettoso and National Press Office, by Dores Sacquegna, Curator, Art Director of Primo Piano LivinGallery, by Miguelina Baldera Santana, President of the Uniendo Raices Onlus Association: Latin American women of the Aosta Valley.

The Fair with the institutional patronage of the Municipality of Brindisi, the Province and the Puglia Region, opens on FRIDAY 28 APRIL at 10:00. 16 nations of the world participate with conferences, round tables, literary readings and authors and great international guests from the USA, Panama, Chile, Dominican Republic, Venezuela, Paraguay, Puerto Rico, France, Spain, Germany, Uruguay , Mexico, Ecuador, Peru, Africa and of course Italy.

LiBri is a young, up-to-date, daring, elegant, multidisciplinary Fair that has chosen BRINDISI as an attractive pole for Book Culture. Among the great authors at the Fair, Juan Colòn (Dominican Republic), Ambassador of Peace in the world, Guest of Honor of the Event, presented during the II Press Conference on 24 April. A rich program of events, scientific conventions, conferences, national and international critics prizes will enliven the three days of the exhibition in the prestigious halls of the Bastione San Giacomo, where around 60 authors with over 1000 titles will be exhibiting, including Books nominated for the Strega Prize and Nobel prizes.

LiBri is art and culture: a winning combination that accompanies this extraordinary edition in Brindisi. Curated by Dores Sacquegna, the conference room will host for three consecutive days the works of Angioletta De Nitto, with FEMINAE VIRTUS and the live performance of Massimiliano Manieri and Madia Biondo with PERCEPTUAL BORDER (premiere on Saturday 29 April at 20:00). The two Apulian artists are different in artistic and executive modalities but united by the ability to narrate and experiment. The event is designed to establish a deep bond between Salento and the world.

The goal of the organizers is to create a cultural and attractive pole, which can be a source of pride for the city of Brindisi, offering a diversified, suggestive and international program, to recreate that bohemian atmosphere that involves a vast audience of insiders from the publishing world and beyond, students, teachers and visitors.

Info: Associazione Culturale “Fiera del Libro di Brindisi”
Via Amedeo Modigliani – 72100, Brindisi
Silvana Carolla |Tel: 324 7991236 |
Angela Howell | Tel: +39 340 364 1248 |
Contemporary Art
Dores Sacquegna | Tel: +39 349 37 20 659 |

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