Short bio
He was born in 1973 in Maracay, Venezuela, he lives and works in Miami in the US. Painting’s funes represents femininity and his artistic influences come from literature and from artists such as Willem De Kooning, Oswaldo Vigas, but also post-war german art for the strength and dynamism. Present in many auction houses, his works are in private collections and public including: Museo de arte contemporáneo, Maracay, venezuela; Solar, east hampton, New York; American Art Promotion, Paris; Fundacion Nelson Sanchez Chapellin.
The production by Funes, are purely pictorial works (the artist has also created large installations on PVC), with medium and large properties dating back to the most interesting part of his artistic career from 2008 to today. Tableau by strong and hot colors in which white color is the protagonist. The conceptual research by Funes, is linked to femininity but not limited to her: the attention to gesture, the mood, the occasion, become the leitmotif of his personal interpretation of beauty, pleasure and sin, between reality and artifice. The artist makes us act the cliché of femininity, built on the criteria of glamor and fashion with a personal expressive language, addressing directly the central themes of contemporary culture, the identity, the variety, the body and sexuality, mixing glamor to the history of painting, staging the ritual of human being.
The pictorial intervention sometimes spatula, sometimes imprinted with your hands, becomes a stage for a drama without event, the almost sculptural plasticity of the bodies etched plays and alternates to the empty space that surrounds them, in a game of full and empty, of body and soul, of apparently static and irrepressible physicality. Funes, paints what he see, focuses on multiple levels of reality, with the intent to expose truth and artifice and withdrawing from everyday life, as in a mirror, real and imaginary, fiestas and claustrophobic anxieties. Temporality, spatiality, worldliness, are elements around which the human being builds own self. These are stages that are undertaken in self-knowledge, a journey often unusual and without a precise goal, which is beyond rational logic and is seeking to modify the concepts or concepts of freedom, identity, health, disease, madness.
Video documentary
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